Insights from, an upbeat, offbeat poll for smart, savvy people who don't make six figures and speak their mind.
MinionMonitor's Articles
August 18, 2009 by MinionMonitor
When it comes to picking the bigger blowhard, Minions are pretty clear it’s Rush Limbaugh over Nancy Pelosi (75%/25%).  But as the brewhaws continue over town hall meetings on health care, Nancy just might be blowing some smoke of her own. Nancy has called the rowdy gatherings are “un-American.”  Obama’s take:  people shouting at politicians is an American tradition — (not necessarily pleasant but certainly not un-American) –p...
July 27, 2009 by MinionMonitor
Money:   minimum wage just went up $0.70 to $7.25/hour.  So that’s about $28 bucks a week before taxes, or a couple of large pizzas, hold the extra cheese. When the lowest paid Minion gets about $7/hour and the average CEO gets north of $2,500/hour, our pay scale is whacked.  But heck, that’s America.  Right or wrong? (p.s.  the minimum wage increase doesn’t affect tip servers and in most states they’re getting paid just $2.13...
July 22, 2009 by MinionMonitor
The CIA got caught lying and 83% of Minions say “that’s no surprise.”  The issue:  a program designed to shoot terrorists up close rather than with air strikes that would hit civilians, and keeping it from Congress.  VP Cheney apparantly blocked the information from being shared and now Congress is indignant.  They want more gov’t oversight and control of the CIA.  The CIA wants to be left alone to do their job the way they always have...
July 13, 2009 by MinionMonitor
Most Minions are feeling at least a little better about the economy and Larry Summers, Obama’s top economic advisor, seems to agree. Says Summers, “more jobs will be lost” but “panic in the markets and free fall in the economy has subsided.”  I guess that’s good, sort of.  What really caught our eye though was this:  Summers says the American economy will become ”more export oriented” and “less consumption oriented”...
July 10, 2009 by MinionMonitor
And the rich get richer, again.  While Minions worry about money for Retirement (53%) and the next meal (42%), Wall Street/Greed Street is boosting compensation to near record levels.  Goldman Sachs will dole out an average of $700k per employee — twice the payout from last year.  And CitiBank, a TARP recipient, is boosting employees base pay by up to 50%.  But how can that be?  Didn’t the Obama administration impose pay limits on companies that receive...